Relevant Content
We understand your environment
We know what it’s like being in the front line in a legal practice. Most lawyers go above and beyond to look after their clients’ interests, sometimes to the detriment of their business needs. We understand that your time is precious and, because of that, aim to take as much of the pressure off your shoulders as necessary.
We will work with you to develop out your ideas. Thes can be from simple email marketing campaigns through to a fully fleshed out marketing strategy. When you’re busy, we can deal with the minutiae. We’ll execute campains on your behalf and in accordance with your instructions without you having to be fully involved.
We’ll work with you to understand the services you provide to clients. This is a very important aspect when developing your content. This means the information communicated to clients is relevant to you and the services you deliver.

We understand your client needs
Your clients need different legal services depending on their requirements at a particular time. They don’t always appreciate that the services you provide are usually more extensive than the matter they originally consulted you about.
Clients are usually unaware of the range of services you provide. Keeping in touch with them on a regular basis ensures they fully understand how your firm can help them with all their legal problems. When you cover different topics in your communications with them, they are alerted to issues that might affect their personal or work lives, family or businesses.
Clients engage you mostly to deal with immediate problems or issues they have. Trying to discuss additional, unrelated services, at this time will generally be fuitless. It may frustrate the client and give the impression you are not fully focused on the current case.
However, once the matter is concluded, it then makes sense to explain the range of services your firm has to offer and how those services can help and support your clients.

The timing of delivering relevant content must be right
We frequently hear stories of lawyers offering a “free” Wills services immediately after a client has purchased a new home. The take up rate of this offer isn’t generally great. The client would much rather focus on ripping out and replacing the kitchen in their own home than listening to you trying to sell them a Will.
However, if you promote your Wills preparation services to your clients on a regular basis and keep in regular contact with them, that very same client is likely to make a Will once they have a perceived need for one!
To learn more, call us on 07855 838395 or click here to email us.