Social Media Marketing for law firms
Many law firms have set up their social media pages and fill them with content. That’s excellent and we applaud firms who take the time to do this. Firms supplying estate agency services feature the properties they’re marketing mostly on Facebook. Social Media Marketing takes the use of social media a step further. Its focus is on using social media to promote the firm’s services to consumers.

Use Social Media to target your "ideal" client
Not all social media platforms are the same. You know that. What they all have in common, however, is their insatiable appetite for new information. Decide which social media platform best suits your targeting. Most people have a range of preferred social media they use so don’t get hung up on using just one social media platform to target your ideal client.
You need to commit to your social media pages
When you embark on social media, you need to decide to commit. If you don’t, it’ll mean your content will very quickly go stale. Nothing turns off social media users more than a social media page that’s months – or even years – out of date. You won’t be able to build up a following unless you regularly post interesting content
Make sure you draw people into your website
Don’t forget to take every opportunity to draw people into your website. Use links to articles to publicise your latest website news linking people the corresponding article on your website. When they’re there, they will likely look at other things you have there too!
Use Paid for Promotions in Social Media
Check out what it costs to promote your Social Medai post. This increases your reach and promote your business to people who need your services but with whom you have no connection whatsoever!
Social Media Marketing helps grow your followers by using interesting and informative posts
Let’s be honest, boring posts don’t make great reading. Legal matters are generally dull so tell stories and give real-life examples of where you’ve helped people out. Prople can relate to stories much easier than an overview of some legal change or other that might affect them. Giving real-life examples of how the law affects people might lead others to understand how you can help them.
It’s very much horses for courses. Who do you want to reach? Why do you want to reach them? Good content and accurate targeting will lead clients to your door. Let us help you build up your audience and grow your followers.
To learn more, call us on 07855 838395 or click here to email us.