What’s important to you?

Know your client

What do we mean when we ask how well you know your client? We mean it’s hugely important that you know who you’re dealing with and where he or she comes from. The more you know about your client, the more focused your marketing can be. 

Most law firms now use practice management systems to store their client contact data. However, those same law firms don’t use the client contact area to its fullest extent.

The more you know about your client, the more effective your marketing  can be. Sometimes, law firms don’t even bother to store phone or email contact data and, worse still, don’t update address information once a client has moved house.


How do you keep in touch with your clients between transactions – or should it be do you keep in touch with clients between  transactions?

Most businesses would give their eye teeth for a solicitor’s database. It should be simple and staight forward to communicatw with clients because lawyers hold (or should hold) a large amount of contact data.

There is no substitute for communicating with clients. Keeping in touch with your clients between transactions is key to building client loyalty and winning new business from them.


You provide many services that your clients probably don’t know  anything  about. Why not get in touch and let them know about these? the last words you ever want to hear from a client are “I didn’t know you did that” as they explain why they gave business to a competitor.

It’s important to promote your services to your clients. You have a duty to the welbeing of your firm to make clients aware of the range of services your firm provides. If you don’t promote your services, you can’t expect clients to find out about them by default!

Set out your stall on your website and draw your clients into it. It’s your window to the world where you explain the benefits your services can bring to your clients and potential clients.

To learn more, call us on 07855 838395 or click here to email us.