About five years ago we concluded there was a space in the market for a solicitors’ organisation to present a caring approach to older people.  We also felt if we took the message to our older community that preparing for the future was good and sensible this would be well received.  We hoped at the same time to break down any distrust or fear preventing older people coming to solicitors. So we set up Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS).  We believe our message is getting through.

Here is some information showing what has been achieved so far.

  • SOPS advertising materials now distributed through 136 outlets
  • Our “Six Must Do’s” talk for older peopled delivered on 657 occasions (yes 657)
  •  261 exhibitions or events attended
  • Regular informational stalls located  in 4 hospitals
  • A public relationship with Age Scotland – a most trusted charity for older people
  • Advertising year after year on press radio or TV
  • Constant social media promotional activity
  • An  informative updated website
  •  A database of over 800 parties dealing with older taking our e newsletter
  • 39 training  sessions given to NHS and 3rd Sector on legal issues
  • A joint accident Claim service with Age Scotland just launched

David Borrowman of SOPS comments

“We feel we’ve made a decent start to building a trusted brand which will endure. SOPS is now well known to very many older people throughout the country and also to most agencies dealing with older people. Our talks are popular and well received.  We believe we are helping the older community to deal better with legal forward planning as opposed to ignoring it. We are proud to be making a contribution to the welfare of the older community.    SOPS intends to build and build on the platform we have created so far.” 

SOPS is still looking for member firms in certain parts of Scotland. If you are interested – ring Sandra on 0800 037 0526 or click here to email us.

Photo of David Borrowman

David Borrowman is Senior Partner of the Caesar and Howie Law Group, who are founder members of Solicitors for Older People Scotland.

A graduate of both St Andrews and Edinburgh universities, David has experience in various areas of the law, including civil and criminal court work, commercial and residential property, and issues related to older people.  He has previously been a director of ESPC and worked with the Scottish Partnership for Palliative care on the Scottish Government’s “Living and Dying Well” action plan.

Married with three adult children he lists his outside interests as “grandfather duties”.  Then if they allow, playing golf, watching golf, rugby and football, whilst reading widely on history and current affairs