Websites are like houses: they need to be renovated and updated regularly to stay fresh. The best websites are those that anticipate their users’ changing needs. This is why website design and development trends are constantly evolving as technology continues to advance. In this post, we’ll go over some of the common pitfalls of an outdated website. In addition, we will discuss ways you can update yours for better User Experience (UX) amd Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If your website is outdated, we’ll tell you how to fix it. Read on to learn more!

What makes a website outdated?

If a website is more than a year old, there’s a good chance it has become outdated. Website trends change rapidly, and it’s not unusual for a single year to bring a significant shift in best practices. In fact, it’s estimated that 75% of all websites are out of date. However, you do not need to have the latest technology to keep your website up to date.

There are a few key elements to look for when determining if your site is outdated.

First, check for outdated technology and software. If your site was built on an older content management system (CMS) like WordPress 3 or earlier, it’s definitely time for an update. Also, make sure any theme you are using and all your pluging are up to date. In addition, make sure your website is secure – otherwise, Google will show everyone that it isn’t! Then, check for out-of-date content, like articles that are no longer relevant, or a design that’s not keeping up with trends.

If your website has any of these symptoms, it’s a good indication that it is past due for an update. The sooner you act, the better, as it can be costly and time-consuming to retrofit your site with new technology. And, while it’s always better to be safe than sorry, you can save yourself some trouble by checking your site regularly to make sure it’s staying up to date.

How to determine if your site is out of date?

As we mentioned above, the best way to determine if your website is outdated is to check for any of three common symptoms. But in order to do that, you will need to do some digging.

The first thing you should do is conduct an audit of your existing site. Look for elements that don’t meet modern design or usability standards. For instance, if your site does not look good on a mobile phone or tablet, you definitely need an update!

Then, inspect the technology your site is built on. If it is on the older side, you may want to consider updating it. Again, you don’t want to be caught off guard if your CMS is suddenly unsupported or out of date, leaving you without a website.

Finally, you can also consider hiring a company to conduct a Website Assessment. This is a process where a team analyses your current website against industry best practices, helping to identify any areas of concern.

A website assessment can be an invaluable tool in determining the state of your website.

Why is updating your site important?

There are a few key reasons why it’s important to update your website as regularly as you change your car’s oil. First and foremost, it is important for your website to look and feel current. If your site doesn’t reflect your business or services, it can hurt your brand more than it helps. This can lead to less engagement, conversions, and, perhaps most importantly, trust. Nowadays, people don’t have time to read through long, boring articles. They’re more likely to skim a few lines, get bored, and move on. That’s why it’s essential that you keep your content short, concise, and written in an easily readable way.

If your website isn’t optimised for today’s search engines, it can hurt your business. In fact, according to a study by the Online Marketing Institute, almost 70% of small businesses reported a drop in revenue due to poorly optimised websites.

How to update your website for better SEO

If your website is outdated, there’s a good chance it’s also not optimised for today’s search engines. Fortunately, it’s easy to make your site search engine friendly. Here are a few quick and easy ways you can update your website for better SEO:

  • Ensure your content is written in an easily readable way – This is especially important on your home page, where prospective clients will spend the majority of their time.
  • Use updated and modern design – The look and feel of your website should reflect your brand’s identity. Make sure your colour scheme, fonts, and imagery are up to date.
  • Update your contact information – This includes your business hours, address, email address and phone number. It’s also smart to include your social media links, so users can follow you on the platforms they use most.
  • Add a sitemap – This is a useful tool that lets search engine crawlers get a full picture of your entire website.

How to update your website for a better user experience

A user experience (UX) means the way someone interacts with your services. A user interface is the design and layout of your website. If you want to ensure your users have an excellent experience on your site, there are a few key areas to focus on.

  • Text – Keep your copy short and to the point. Don’t write in a language only other lawyers understand. Remember to include your key points, but keep it simple and jargon-free.
  • Navigation – Make it easy for your visitors to move around your website. Keep tabs and links in a logical order so visitors can find what they’re looking for with just a few clicks.
  • Images and videos – Use visuals to make your website more interesting. This can help keep your visitors engaged and make your content easier to understand.


Your website is one of the most important aspects of your business. Additionally, it’s also something you should review with on a regular basis. Websites are often the first introduction that potential clients have to yopur law firm. So, it’s very important that your website is kept up to date and provides an excellent experience for visitors.

If your website has been neglected and has fallen behind the times, now is the time to take action. This article will help you work out if your website needs an update. In addition, it includes some best practices to follow to help you bring your website up to date. And, if you need any help, just contact us.

Some further reading:

The Importance of Website Design in Your Marketing Strategy

The importance of website design for law firms cannot be understated

Creating a website for your law firm has become as essential as having an email address or a telephone number. It is no longer just a place to put your business hours and a list of services; it’s where your clients can find you, learn about you and trust you. The importance of website design as part of your marketing strategy cannot be understated!

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Your website is important for business. So, what does your website say about you?

How would you like your clients (and prospective clients) to think about you?

Would you want to be seen as a capable, experienced legal professional? Would you want your clients to feel confident in your judgement and advice?

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Your website is important - don't give clients the reaction this woman is having!

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