If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance that you are interested in winning new business and refreshing your marketing campaign. You may be wondering how you can grow your business and get people talking about you and your services. After all, so many businesses fail to win any new business because they don’t have the right marketing strategy. That’s why this article is about the importance of email marketing for your business.

Marketing is essential to growing your business, but it can seem overwhelming at times. There are so many different ways you can market your business. Some are much more effective than others. Email marketing is one of the most overlooked strategies for any business. However, it can be incredibly effective if done correctly.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the process of growing your business through targeted, personalised emails. You send these emails to your clients and potential clients. Did you know email marketing campaigns can be sent automatically when a client asks about your services? Alternatively, they can be triggered manually by someone in the firm. Email marketing campaigns don’t have to be sales focused. Instead, they can be helpful information and advice to strengthen your relationship with existing clients and encourage loyalty. Here are just some examples of email marketing campaigns:

  • welcome emails sent when someone subscribes to your email list
  • automated emails following an enquiry on your website
  • promoting your services and advocating eNewsletter signup 
  • announcing staff changes in the firm
  • informing people about your community or charity involvement
  • seasonal greetings.

Why Is Email Marketing Important?

Email marketing has the highest ROI of all marketing channels. This is because it is personalised, low-cost, and has a high deliverability rate thanks to the trust most people have in their email addresses. There are also no limits on how often you can send an email. Depending on your business, you can reach out to clients as often as you want. In fact, it’s recommended that you email your clients at least once a month. Each time you send out an email, it has the potential to win you new clients and encourage loyalty from your current ones. Email campaigns also have a long shelf-life because most people will keep them in their inboxes for months. That means they often see your firm’s name and logo. This builds loyalty and strengthens the relationship with existing and potential clients! We believe this emphasises the importance of email marketing for law firms.

How to Use Email Marketing

The key to email marketing is being strategic and thoughtful. When it comes to writing your campaigns, there are a few different approaches you can take. You can send simple and to-the-point emails to increase your open rates. Let’s say that you want to run a “Make a Will” promotion. You could send a quick email to everyone on your subscriber list, explaining the benefit of making a Will and offering a discounted fee. This is a simple approach to promoting your services because all you have to do is send an email.

Some law firms take a more thoughtful approach and include information or advice with each email they send. You could send a monthly eNewsletter to your clients explaining how to deal with common legal problems. Doing something like this will not only help people to engage with your services, but it will also help you to establish yourself as an authority in your profession.

Benefits of Effective Email Marketing

Increased brand awareness – When you start to send out emails to your clients, you have the chance to let them know more about you and your brand. Each time you send out an email, you have a chance to let your clients know more about your business and who you are as a brand.

Better client relationships – One of the best things about email marketing is that you can really get to know your clients and how they like to be communicated with. If you’re strategic with your campaigns and thoughtful with your content, you’ll be able to build better relationships with your clients.

Easy to track and measure – One of the best things about email marketing is that you can track and measure your results very easily. When you send an email, you’ll be able to see how many people open it, click on links, and even how many people engaged your services because of your email campaign.

Some Final Words

Once you get started with email marketing, it will be hard to stop. In fact, you’ll want to send out emails as often as possible. Quick tip: Before you start to send emails, make sure to update your Privacy Statement to cater for your email marketing activity.

If you send out regular, helpful emails, it won’t take long to realise the importance of email marketing. You’ll be on the way to building your brand, growing your business and cementing your relationship with new and existing clients.

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The Importance of Email Newsletters for Law Firms – 5 Key Benefits

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Email Newsletters for Law Firms

If you would like more information or to speak directly to us, call us on 07855 838395 or click here to email us.

Author: Brian O’Neill

Visit Brian’s LinkedIn Profile here.

Click here to email Brian